
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Haut Totes

Pink Hearts and Black and White Skulls Large Tote

Tote bags that fun, funky and with lots of attitude!

Shop Owner:
I am a stay at home mom of two girls one is profoundly physically disabled. I made a bag for the side of her wheelchair and a woman from a boutique saw it and asked me to make bags for her. I am now trying to cut out the middle man.

Great fabric inspires me. I have been sewing for over a decade, and started with quilts.

[The item below] is my favorite item, because I am not girly at all and don't really like pink, and I STILL LOVE IT.
Anime Pin Up Girls Large Tote (pink Ribbon)

Click on in to Haut Totes to find your own tote with attitude
Haut Totes


June Shin said...

I love that anime tote. Off to check out the shop now!

swiekysiggies said...

I love these totes! I love the Buddha one, especially...:)